Brain Symptoms & Food Families: Histamine, Oxalates, Salicylates, Lectins, FODMAPS, Sulfur, Copper, Folate & Glutamate
& Why Some People Can't Tolerate Certain "Healthy" Foods
After recently sharing information about the microbiome and the importance of a varied diet, someone very appropriately commented that some people don’t tolerate many of the foods encouraged to support the microbiome. To address this important point, I’m sharing information (audio) about food families that can cause brain symptoms.
Food sensitivities are not the same as food allergies. Food allergy occurs when we have a true allergic reaction. This could look like difficulty breathing or a drop in blood pressure, for example, after eating peanuts if we are allergic. Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition in which eating gluten triggers a complex inflammatory reaction that can make someone with celiac sick. Food sensitivities, however, involve reactions to foods that are not related to allergy but result in an immune response that leads to various symptoms, such as joint pain, stomach pain, rashes, fatigue, and brain fog. Such a reaction could be to a food, a random assortment of foods, or a naturally occurring component shared by foods in a family.
In the two audio clips below, I share basic information on each family, the symptoms they can cause, and how they can be addressed without endless avoidance.
Timestamps are included for those interested in honing on any of the families.