Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity in Children & Adults
Symptoms, Brain Impacts, Factors That Increase Vulnerability, Diagnosis, Treatment, MTHFR, COMT, & Why Children Are Especially Susceptible
Recent news of another school district being offered large sums of money by a cell phone company to put cell towers on school property is prompting me to reshare a podcast I recorded three years ago about electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).
Those who have EHS, knowingly or unknowingly, are having adverse health effects while using or being in the vicinity of devices that are emanating EMF or electromagnetic fields.
This is not a new understanding. EHS was first seen in military personnel in the 1940s. Since then, there's been a great deal of research not only into EHS but also into the collective health impacts of EMF.
In Europe, 5 to 10 percent of the population is believed to have electromagnetic hypersensitivity. It is estimated that in the U. S., 3 percent of the population is highly sensitive, and up to 35 percent are moderately sensitive. Those percentages are expected to rise with the increasing use of wireless technology.
In this podcast, I address:
What is electromagnetic hypersensitivity?
How do electromagnetic fields (EMF) impact the brain?
What symptoms (brain and physical) can EMF cause?
How are children affected?
How is EHS diagnosed and treated?
How can we all lower our EMF exposure?
(Correction on audio EMF from cell phones can be higher in cars due to poor reception, resulting in the phone putting off higher radio frequency.)
Impact on the Brain
Remember that EMF is considered a toxicant that impacts our brain and body in much the same ways toxins do.
Oxidative Stress & Neurotoxicity
Disruption of Our Innate Electricity
Immune Dysregulation
Hormonal Impacts
Disruption of Microbiome
Disruption of Blood-Brain Barrier
Symptoms of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
Brain symptoms: insomnia, sleepiness, fatigue, brain fog, memory problems, irritability, depression, anxiety, confusion, even psychosis
Other neurological symptoms: headache, ringing in the ears, dizziness, numbness, and/or tingling in the body.
Skin-related symptoms: stinging or burning sensation, itching, redness, or rosacea.
Cardiovascular symptoms: heart palpitations and swelling of the hands and/or feet, which relates to dilation of the veins.’
Gastrointestinal symptoms can include nausea.
Accelerated aging
Who is Most Susceptible?
Children - Because of their thinner skulls and smaller brains with higher water content, children will absorb more radio frequencies. Relative to adults, they will have longer exposures. Also, they are still developing, so damage to their neurophysiology can persist.
Those adults who work in high-exposure settings - schools, hospitals, and high-tech workplaces.
Pregnant women and their developing fetuses
Those who have or have had:
Autoimmune conditions
Those with MTHFR, COMT, GSTM1, GSTT1, and SOD2 genetic variants, most of which are involved in detoxification processes.
I would argue those with hypermobility, because of their increased risk of limbic system dysfunction (or rather a larger amygdala), are also more vulnerable.
Detailed history and a timeline to understand, for example, if symptoms onset relates to increases in exposure. A few examples:
At what point did they start using Wi-Fi and wireless?
At what point did they get a cell phone?
When was the smart meter put on their house?
When did the school put the cell tower on the school property?
When did the family get a booster?
When did the family move into a smart house?
Do symptoms get worse when on devices or in specific environments?
Elimination and reintroduction
Lower exposure as much as possible
Do symptoms improve? What happens when the exposure is reintroduced?
Biomarkers are not necessarily practical or needed; if someone can lower their exposure enough, do a reintroduction, and note their symptoms before and after. Biomarkers that have been used:
Salivary cortisol levels are expected to increase after exposure.
Blood glucose levels are expected to increase after exposure.
Blood pressure and heart rate (to assess change in the autonomic nervous system) are also expected to increase.
Some clinicians will look for specific detoxification polymorphisms (SNPs) (mentioned above)
Imaging can show hypoperfusion -decreased blood flow to particular brain parts - again, this is not practical or needed.
Lower exposure. This is the most important part of treatment for EHS. Reactivity does decrease over time, but often, a “sensibility” remains - a recognition of the presence of EMF without severe symptoms.
Get outside - breathe fresh air, walk barefoot on the earth for grounding
Lower the stress response:
Address toxins - most people I have seen with EHS have mold toxicity. Metal toxicity and chemical toxicity are also common.
Support the foundation - good hydration, sleep, exercise
Optimize nutrient status - key players - Vitamin C, E, Selenium (used in most Walsh protocols), NAC, glutathione, ALA, COQ10, Magnesium, and zinc (needs to be dosed according to levels).
SNPs -support enzymes that seem to be impacted by genetic variants.
If you are a parent concerned about your child’s exposure to EMF in their school (from wireless devices, technology, and even cell towers on school property) and would like to address this with this school, I’ll gladly share resources and a tool kit.
From one resident in Gary who has organized a petition against the cell phone tower being put on school property:
“Of all the sites to place a cell tower, it’s irresponsible to attach them to buildings that require the attendance of a vulnerable population [children].” - Jennie Rudderham
Wishing the best to her and all those who stand up for children.
Until next time,
EMF Related Newsletters:
How Can We Assess & Lower Our EMF Exposure
Smart Meters, Brain Symptoms & Solutions
Medical Disclaimer:
This newsletter is for educational purposes and not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment for either yourself or others, including but not limited to patients that you are treating (if you are a practitioner). Consult your physician for any medical issues that you may be having.
Courtney, hello from an old neighbor on Passionflower. I'm glad I found your blog!
Do you have any thoughts about orgone energy to combat EMF?
You left out gang, stalking and the use of directed energy weapons.