I’m away this week, but wanted to share what I'm up to and some thoughts from my 43 year old self. My hope is that this will resonate with someone out there struggling with fear and/or chronic health issues.
While I like to think I have much less fear now at the age of 56, there was a fear that I took on this week.
Since developing Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), a few years ago, it was hard to imagine enjoying travel - the airports, planes, Airbnbs and rental car - all with the potential to put me into fatigue, sleepiness, nausea and a headache. When I'm home, I keep the EMF relatively low. Travel, which I once loved, had become something to avoid.
Now having spent a lovely and meaningful week here in Bergen, Norway, I’ve grown back some of my travel confidence. Has it been perfect? It hasn't, but travel and life rarely are. Surprisingly, the only challenge has been the rental car. Hybrids and electric cars, which are high in EMF, were the only option. I thought I would roll with it, as I was with everything else and seeming to do fine. But, in this case, I really felt “EMF..eee”. This has been fine for shorter distances. Fortunately there's great public transportation (trains and boats), which I've not had problems with.