Causes of Disrupted Sleep & Insomnia
Including Nutrient Imbalances, Structural Issues, Genetic Variants, Hormonal Imbalances, & Drivers of High Histamine
In the last post, I discussed how, with the help of the pineal gland and melatonin, our internal clock syncs with the earth's rhythms. But what if it’s not syncing?
Insomnia is when we have trouble falling or staying asleep or experiencing nonrestorative sleep. This can result in daytime sleepiness, dosing off, fatigue, irritability, inattention, physical consequences, and even shortened longevity. In this post, I’ll address insomnia's surprising and not-so-surprising causes. As with most brain symptoms, there is usually an alignment of factors. I’ll start with the most common ones.
Light - in the last post, I describe how light on the retina signals the pineal gland to decrease melatonin production. Even very small amounts of light can do this. Pitch black is the ideal, even if that means sleeping with a sleeping mask. Blue light from computers, phones, and TV screens can also lower melatonin in the evening, which is why some use blue light-blocking glasses. Another approach would be to avoid screens the hour before bed and keep the lighting low.
Temperature - As our body prepares for sleep, our core body temperature starts to drop. Matching this with the temperature in the room can help us achieve deeper sleep. 60-67 degrees F is recommended.
Electromagnetic Fields include radio frequencies coming off of wireless devices and other forms of EMF coming from electrical wiring in a home. Because of the increasing use of wireless devices, this is an increasingly common cause of insomnia. (See list of sources of radio frequencies). Lowering exposure to EMF during sleep by creating a sleep sanctuary can bring relief to many and likely benefit everyone.
Sound - anything that can wake us up or even shift us out of deep sleep is problematic. Some people benefit from earplugs. White noise helps others, including those with ringing in their ears. Some find it distracting.
Consistency - A regular bedtime (for many, between 10-11) and a regular wake time, even on the weekends, helps the internal clock know, “It is time to sleep.” Daylight saving has messed with this consistency since 1918, which is why the American Academy of Sleep Medicine advocates for abolishing daylight saving. Setting our clocks ahead seems to be the most problematic. During that week, research shows there is a 24% higher risk of heart attacks, a 6% spike in fatal car accidents, an 8% increase in strokes, and an 11% spike in depressive episodes. Increasingly, states are proposing to abolish it.
Naps - If we’ve slept during the day (especially later), not surprisingly, we may not feel tired when we go to bed.
Eating - High blood sugar and low blood sugar can impact sleep. It is typically recommended (if we don’t have problems with low blood sugar) that we not eat for two hours before going to bed. Some would say we should stop by the time the sun has gone down or by 5-6 pm. We are best at metabolizing carbs (and keeping our blood sugar regulated) early in the day, and this lessens, especially in the evening, when we are less active.