Feb 17Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

Courtney, Once again you addressed a topic that so needs to be addressed. You are absolutely correct about what you said about Travis and the role model that he has with so many! If he ever does this with Taylor, I don't think it would end pretty! Thank you for addressing this! Years ago I had a talk with a friend who became my boss and told him that his actions that he displayed in a meeting were not right and that he should never do it again!

Mary Ann Kendall

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Thank you , Mary Anne. And thank you for sharing your experience. It takes courage to talk to a friend and/or a boss about this. Good for you and good for him. I don't think people realize that is helpful to the person getting angry.

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Feb 17Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

Best signal to me that a person needs a very small amount of nutritional lithium ( like just 5 mg of lithium orotate / the mineral NOT the drug) is irritability ! This plus addressing underlying cause you mention. I see a clients respond favorably within two weeks. Also treats addiction and many other mood related issues. Low dose nutritional lithium saved relationships! A Koch ( nutritionist / MSc / LSHTM)

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Thank you, Angela, for adding that and for another helpful comment. I agree - Lithium orotate has many important roles here. I may need to give it it's own newsletter at some point.

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Love the simple chart and breakdown. Well done Dr. Snyder! Are you aware of how EMF (wireless radiation) can lead to copper toxicity and DNA damage by disrupting iron (magnetic)? EMFs also can cause mold and bacteria to multiply by a factor of 600x:


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Thank you, Roman. Your comment is very timely. At the moment, I'm putting together a very simple post on EMF. I have EHS myself, so think a lot it's relationship to mold, lyme, antibiotic resistance, oxidative stress and the many impacts on the brain. In the past, when I looked for research on the relationship between copper and EMF, I wasn't finding much. I didn't see copper mentioned in the link you shared. If you have some good studies to point to, that would be great. Thank you for commenting. I look forward to reading more on your Substack.

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Hi Courtney, thank you for your kind words. Yes for sure, I didn't want to bombard you with links, but now that you ask......(:

on copper: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/healdogs

archive of electrical illnesses: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/s/electrical-illnesses

feel free to email anytime with questions info@thepowercouple.ca

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Thank you. I look forward to looking at this.

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Feb 18Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

Dr. Courtney, Thanks for this article. Having watched grandfather, father and my generation (three generations )of this play out, I have lived this. The Walsh Protocol has made all the difference in regulating myself (copper was three times zinc), along with removing soy, gluten, corn and dairy, and getting decades of therapy for PTSD.

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Thank you, Jean, for sharing your story and making real the significant impact of this on the lives of multiple generations. That's certainly is a copper zinc ratio. So glad you found the work of Dr. Walsh and have benefitted from the Walsh protocol along diet and therapy. Thank you, again.

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