Nov 24, 2023Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

That was a great read Dr. Snyder. If you or anyone has any suggestions on how I can help my daughter (14) want to try and stick with treatment to help her pls let me know. I am tired of the tantrums.

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Shawn. Thank you for you comment. I wish I could be more helpful here and give specific suggestions or recommendations. Perhaps I will write a more general post in the future about how to engage teens in their treatment. Thank you again for your support of this newsletter.

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My son has copper overload. He has pyrrole which causes the imbalance of zinc/copper/b6 and is a undermethalater. He is having bad symptoms with the protocol to lower copper causing him worsening mental symptoms. Would the binders ( charcoal etc) help him detox the copper? His brain reacts to anything example methl b12 causes worsening symptoms.

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Nov 22, 2023·edited Nov 22, 2023Author

Hi Tammy - I'm unable to provide treatment recommendations. I don't use charcoal to lower copper, but rather to bind specific mold toxins (it doesn't bind all mold toxins). When people are reacting to a lot of different things, I think about mast cell activation. I can't say that is the case for your son, but if you're not already familiar, here is a link to a blogpost about that - https://www.courtneysnydermd.com/blog/mast-cell-activation-inflammation-in-brain-disorders-how-to-calm-things-down

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