How We Can Assess & Lower Our EMF Exposure
A Self Assessment for Those Wanting To Do a Little or a Lot
Normally, with two-part newsletters, I explain how the “root” cause contributes to brain symptoms, and in the follow-up newsletter, I address what can be done. Because the topic of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) can be fear-inducing for some and because there’s already so much scary functional medicine content out there, I thought I’d start with how we can assess and lower our exposure. In the next newsletter, I’ll discuss the research on the many ways EMF appears to impact the brain and other parts of the body, factors that raise our susceptibility to becoming hypersensitive, and how we can lower that susceptibility.
EMF exists on a spectrum that includes UV light, the visible spectrum, and infrared, among other types. In this newsletter, I’m referring to:
Radio frequencies (RF) - any wireless technology, cell phones, WiFi
Magnetic (MF) - motors, power-lines
Electric fields (EF) - electrical wiring
Dirty electricity (DE) - a mixture of frequencies
Most of the interventions below will relate to radio frequencies (RF), which are increasing around us and are considered the most harmful.
In a recent newsletter, I showed (using a meter) the RF coming off a cell phone when airplane mode on versus when it is off.
Though some people are sensitive and become more symptomatic with exposures, that doesn’t mean they're the only ones being impacted. Everyone can benefit from lowering their exposure. As with toxins, EMF (a “toxicant”) can contribute to inflammation and oxidative stress and can impact the microbiome and brain. Anything we do to decrease it will benefit our health.
Completely eliminating exposure to EMF is not possible. Below is a checklist I put together to help you assess and already start to lower your own exposure if you’d like. This is not an all or none endeavor. Some will find a couple of ways that have the biggest impact for them and others will want or need to go deeper into the list. You might find it helpful to print this off and mark the situations that apply to your circumstances and even rank your priorities.
You could also make a few notes related to your health before you make such changes and do a before and after comparison. How is your sleep, attention, energy, addictive tendencies and mood? If you have mast cell activation or other inflammatory symptoms, you might notice if there is a change in those as well.
If you feel a need to address all of these listed sources of EMF as soon as possible, consider pulling back into that right brain perspective and start with gentle, sustainable and incremental steps. A good place to start is with those sources that are closest and those in which you’re getting the longest amount of exposure each day.
I’m not a building biologist, electrician or computer expert. I’m sharing with you what I’ve learned and lived in the last three years. Because technology is evolving so rapidly, I’ll continue to be learning.
Terms to Know:
Modem - the box in your house that receives information from your internet company and sends it to the devices in your house.
Ethernet Cord - connects the modem to intermediaries (such an Ethernet port or in the case of WiFi, a router) or from the intermediaries, such an an Ethernet port to a computer.

Ethernet Port - a small box connected to the modem (by an Ethernet cable) that has multiple ports allowing connections to multiple rooms and /or devices.
Ethernet Connections - From the port, Ethernet cables can run directly to your computer and devices (through the wall to a wall jack that another Ethernet can plug into, or across the room or even down the hall if need be). This general setup (with wires in the wall) used to be the norm.

The new norm is to have the modem connected (via Ethernet cable) to a…
Router - This is where the communication on the Ethernet cord is converted into a WiFi signal that then communicates without wires with your computer and other wireless/smart devices in your home. This puts off EMF (in this case, RF).
Booster - Takes this signal and extends it further, allowing stronger signal at further distances. This puts off high radio-frequencies.
Finally,....onto the 10 places we can assess and lower our EMF exposure:
1. Cell Phone
____Turn the speaker on to avoid holding the phone to your head. Brain tissue is especially vulnerable.
____Do not carry the phone directly on your body or in your pocket unless in airplane mode (or better yet, turned completely off). The phone company’s fine print even recommends keeping the phone at least ¼ inch away from the body. There are covers/ carriers with protective EMF shielding with belt attachments. Aside from the brain, the testes are especially susceptible to the impacts of EMF.
___Keep on airplane mode when not using.
___Decrease the amount of time on the phone.
___When at home or in your office, consider a landline or a VoIP phone, such as an Ooma, which connects to your Ethernet port (via an Ethernet cord) and to a phone. The monthly fee is typically less than $20.

___If using a cell phone to access the internet when at home, consider using an Ethernet cord with an adapter. Be sure to put your phone on airplane mode when you do. The Ethernet means you won’t need cellular or wifi on. If you want to go further and make calls or text using Ethernet, you would need to use an app such as Whatsapp.
___Turn off Bluetooth, location and WiFi when not using those. We don’t need to have our phone’s multiple “cell phone towers” on at all times.
2. Other On the Body Wireless Devices
Remember that we are electric beings with our own innate electricity, which can be interfered with by EMF.
___ Avoid using ear pods and instead use wired earphones or, better yet “air tubes.”
___Avoid any devices that are communicating wirelessly, such as Apple watches and Fitbits.
___Avoid having laptops (despite the name) or tablets on your lap.
___Consider if CPAP machines or hearing aids have wireless communication and discuss with your doctor.
3. Bedroom
Create a sleep sanctuary. Radio frequencies, which again come off of wireless devices, decrease melatonin levels and increase cortisol, which can interfere with sleep. If we can lower our exposure while we’re sleeping, we’re significantly impacting about ⅓ of our day.
___Have the phone off or at least in airplane mode.
___Turn off WiFi. This can usually be done by unplugging the modem. In the photo of the modem, this is the thinner black cord plugged into an electric outlet in the wall.
___Turn computers or any other devices off.
___Unplug as much as possible in the room, or better yet…
___Consider turning off the breaker to the bedroom (to lower other forms of EMF in the walls from electrical wires)
___Consider the risks and benefits of baby monitors. Children, especially babies, are even more susceptible to the effects of EMF.
___Make sure the electrical panel with its high electromagnetic fields is not near where you sleep or where you spend a lot of time, such as a desk. This can also be a source of radio-frequencies if the meter on the other side of the electrical panel is a smart meter (which is increasingly the case).
4. Desk & Office
Use Ethernet cords to connect the computer to the wall jack or the modem (or a port coming off the modem).
___When using Ethernet - turn off the computer’s WiFi
___Wireless keyboard - use a wired keyboard
___Wireless mouse - use a wired mouse.
___When using a wired mouse and keyboard, be sure to turn off the Bluetooth on your computer.
___Wireless printer - use the cord to connect the computer and printer instead of using a wireless connection.
___Cords near feet - move them at least one meter from feet.
___Increase distance from computer (even if using Ethernet). You can increase the font size on the computer.
___Use a wired phone (as above)

5. Other Interior Sources
___Unplug the microwave when not in use.
___If SMART thermostat - go to the menu to disable. SMART/wireless things will usually have a wireless (WiFi) icon on their screen.
___If your home has SMART locks, SMART garage doors, SMART refrigerator, or other SMART technology, consider disabling them.
___Smart TV - Use an Ethernet cord (to connect to the Ethernet port) instead of WiFi and ensure that WiFi is off on the TV
6. Exterior of House
Electric meters are located on the opposite side of the wall that your electrical panel is on. It is what communicates your usage to your electric company. If you have a smart meter, you can contact your electric company and ask to “opt out,” and they will have someone come out each month to check your usage (there may be a monthly fee). If you are unsure if it is a smart meter, call your electric company. If they say it’s not smart, ask if it uses any wireless communication, which is what you are trying to avoid, whether they call it a smart meter or not. If you can’t opt out, there are options, such as a metal box designed to be put on the meter. It has a small hole, allowing just enough signal to get to the utility company.
___Consider if you have any other smart meters for other utilities, such as gas.
___Apartment or condo - notice if utility meters or electrical panels for other units are on the exterior wall of your unit.
___Ring doorbell - consider disabling.
___Security cameras - often use wireless technology. Consider risks and benefits.
___Sprinkler systems may also use wireless.
7. Car
___Turn the phone off while in the car. The exposure will be even higher while in a car.
___Consider turning off WiFi and navigation systems.
___Notice where wireless is operating - collision avoidance blind spots? backing up mirror? and tire pressure? and others. Weigh risks and benefits and consider turning off where you can.
___Hybrid and electric cars have higher EMF exposure than those that are not.
8. Neighborhood
___Cell towers - If you would like to see where the cell towers are and how many are near you, you can put your address into Antennasearch.
___Power lines and substations - Because these put off high magnetic and electrical fields, being too close can be problematic.
___Consider the location of the neighbor’s SMART meter or other exterior wireless technology, especially if the houses are nearby. This may be a reason to consider shielding, as mentioned below.
9. Other Environments
In these times, where there are large groups of people, there is high RF.
___Schools have a high concentration of computers, tablets, student phones and smart boards. Additionally, some schools are leasing space on top of the school to cellular companies for towers. Cellular companies prefer schools because they often have open space around them. The towers are not necessarily obvious.
___Hospitals - There are increasing concerns by EMF experts that the high EMF from medical equipment impedes healing and contributes to antibiotic resistance.
___Airplanes - I wonder how much the increasing rate of passenger behavioral issues relates to the increasingly high EMF exposure on planes.
10. Measuring, Shielding & Seeking Help
Meters. These are the meters that I learned to use from a building biologist. There is also a meter now for 5G that I have not used.
Shielding—Most of the building biologists I have spoken to say that the starting point is to address the sources of EMF in our spaces. If necessary, shielding can be helpful. This could be in the form of specific materials on walls or windows or even shielding paint. Clothing made of shielding fabrics can also be helpful in situations in which lowering radio frequencies may not be possible.
Building Biologists—The Building Biology Institute has building biologists who can provide deeper assessments, expertise, and guidance, especially for hypersensitive people. Some will provide consultation remotely.
As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts and questions.
In the next newsletter, I’ll discuss the impacts on the brain and other body systems.
Until next time,
P.S. Paid subscribers, watch out for the midweek newsletter, where I’ll be applying today’s (assessment) to a SMART house with extremely high EMF and what we were able to do to lower the EMF significantly.
Medical Disclaimer:
This newsletter is for educational purposes and not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment for either yourself or others, including but not limited to patients that you are treating (if you are a practitioner). Consult your own physician for any medical issues that you may be having.
Thank you for sharing this information. I'm EMF sensitive and when I try to explain people look at me as though I have 3 heads. I don't have a cell phone for this reason and people think I'm weird. I've become more and more a recluse due to the EMF exposure when in public. I would like to see EMF FREE ZONES like smoke free zones were mandated. I wrote about a post (on Substack) about Grounding and electrosensitivity and the impact on a person's health.