Thank you so much. I want to bring memantine to the forefront of the discussion. Along with herbal and mineral supplements you can get your life back. Long lasting NMDAR antagonist memantine is a life saver. You can buy years supplies for under 100 dollars

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You´re welcome. Thank you for sharing this.

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Where do you buy? What is its label?

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Science.bio has it. No brand name it's a chemical mate

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Great essay Courtney; I have a question. For an individual who is presenting with undermethylation on labwork (functional serum methylation panel), but who is not necessarily presenting with brain based symptoms that they feel are unmanageable for them or negatively impacting their life- do you feel it is still advantageous to support/upregulate methylation for that person for optimal health and longevity (i.e. detox capabilities, etc.)?

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Thank you. Addressing methylation pathways can be helpful for those who are underemethylated, however, if the person has low serotonin symptoms (depression, anxiety, OCD symptoms), doing typical methylation support (which typically involves folate) can worsen depression and anxiety. Instead, we use methionine or SAMe (if homocysteine is less than 10) to support serotonin activity.

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