Excellent article! We are not just what we put into our body but more importantly how we absorbed them and eliminate wastes and detox ie remove toxins. Take breathing for instance and if you do yoga, you learn that the emphasis in the full exhalation of the breath is what energizes and rejuvenates the body.
Thank you for this well researched piece, bringing metallothionein to the spotlight.
You’re welcome. It always surprises me that metallothionein doesn’t get more attention.
Excellent article! We are not just what we put into our body but more importantly how we absorbed them and eliminate wastes and detox ie remove toxins. Take breathing for instance and if you do yoga, you learn that the emphasis in the full exhalation of the breath is what energizes and rejuvenates the body.
Thank you.
Thank you for ALL this wonderful information. I printed it out so I could remember it all!
Thank you, Patti. I’m glad you find it useful.
Thanks for sharing. Your story is very interesting.