Holistic Psychiatry
Holistic Psychiatry Podcast
Following the Energy into 2024

Following the Energy into 2024

Upper Cervical Spine, Hyper-mobility, Mast Cell Activation, Hyper-focus & High Dopamine States, Codependent No More, Neuroplasticity, Befriending Uncertainty & Poem About Following the Energy.

In anticipation of the new year, I’m previewing some of the topics I look forward to sharing in the coming months. 

  • Topics that I briefly comment on in this episode:

  • How Having Our Head On Straight Impacts Our Mental Health

  • The Relationship Between Hypermobility (Flexibility, Being Double Jointed, Etc) and Brain Health

  • The Many Root Cause Intersections Of Mast Cell Activation

  • Common Root Causes for Specific Brain Disorders

  • Recognizing and Managing High Dopamine States Such as Hyper-focus and Addictive Tendencies

  • Managing Our Energy and Our Focus Throughout the Day

  • Codependency - An Invisible Chronic Stress That Can Prevent Healing & Thriving

  • Neuroplasticity of Spiritual Growth

  • Getting Okay With Uncertainty 

  • Learning to Listen to Ourselves

I’m also sharing a poem I wrote for my daughter when she was four, called “Follow the Energy”. For those interested in checking out a couple of samples of the midweek paid newsletter, I’ve un-paywalled a couple of my favorites.

A Different Kind of Goal Setting for the New Year

Essentialism in Health & Healing

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Medical Disclaimer: This newsletter is for educational purposes and not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment for either yourself or others, including but not limited to patients that you are treating (if you are a practitioner). Consult your own physician for any medical and psychiatric issues that you may be having.

Discussion about this podcast

Holistic Psychiatry
Holistic Psychiatry Podcast
Courtney Snyder, MD, is a physician and adult and child holistic, functional and environmental psychiatrist. In this podcast she shares information on the underlying root causes to brain related symptoms, how these roots are evaluated and treated. Her hope with this podcast is to challenge us to look at ourselves, our families, our culture and even our humanity through a different lens - a lens that offers more possibility and more hope. www.courtneysnydermd.com