May 7Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

I have both MTHFR C677T homozygous ++ AND V158M COMT met met. Trying to treat or supplement is difficult...very slow on both. I have general anxiety disorder, perfectionism OCD, brain goes blank under stress or when rushed, and social anxiety disorder...also worry about possible future catastrphies, never remember truly feeling relaxed or " in the moment"...just distracted and rumination in my head.. also never feel sleepy. Very low motivation...unfinished projects and addicted to sweets. Neuro meds SNRIs and SSRIs are not very effective and it's discouraging. I have high resting pulse and can't tolerate stimulants..what supplements would be helpful for both slow methylation tendencies? Treating MTHFR seems to cause problems with slow COMT.

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Hi Abbey. Thank you for this question. I'm about to post a paid newsletter about similar questions that I've received recently about genetic variants and OCD. I think you find that it relates to your question. If you aren't a paid subscriber, please let me know, so I can share that with you. If you have followup questions, please let me know. I'm not able to give specific treatment recommendations, but glad to comment.

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Apr 27Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

Dr Snyder, Because I don't have the medical background in this, your podcast & information helps me understand more my son's illness.

You are a blessing to all!

Mary Ann

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Thank you, Mary Ann. I'm glad you found it helpful.

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Apr 21Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

Dr. Snyder, Thank you for putting this together in such an understandable way. Well done, thank you!

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Thank you, Jean. I find such topics a challenge to write about. I'm so glad you found it understandable!

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