Aug 12Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

Cross posted to my subscribers. Thank you!

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Aug 18Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

“Like!” Frances, substack hasn't let me “like” comments in months.

Anyway, I wanted to share a recent experience. One morning last month, after a typical night of tossing and turning (and giving up for a few hours to do paperwork in the middle of the night) a huge limb fell into the street from a large oak tree about 5 houses down from me. That’s about 250’feet away. Strangely it was a clear cool sunny morning but yet it fell. This was about 6:45am. If it was the morning rush it could have crushed a car or person walking. The limb was at least 12 inches in diameter at its source and managed to take out the power feed for a multiple block radius. It snapped a pole into 3 pieces, ripping wires and cables down. The main power was out along with the power that supplies several of those squat 5G towers serving my vicinity. Of course, normal cell was unaffected but those signals are weak at my house. Furthermore my cell phone died as I had just plugged it in to charge just before this happened. A quiet electromagnetic environment.

Not having to go into work until afternoon I decided to lay down on the front room couch for a while with the front windows wide open since the air was cool and dry. I knew all the noise of repairs would be disruptive and loud but figured why not. Well. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow and I slept profoundly deeply and soundly for nearly five hours straight. I was completely out. I haven’t slept like that in years. I did not hear the diesel trucks going by my window, chainsaws cutting up that giant 12 inch diameter limb, the big arborist wood shredder (loud!), the machines to drill a new hole for a new pole, bucket lift trucks, cars turning around in my driveway since the road was blocked etc.

I didn’t hear any of it. I slept deeply right through it all. I awoke unexpectedly rested and realized I woke up within 10 minutes after the power came back on. I haven’t slept well since.

There’s an object lesson somewhere in there.

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Aug 20Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

Hello Terry T, Frances Leader and Courtney, Your experience is common: many of my clients have experienced the same. In some cases the wife & child have a variety of symptoms but the husband does not: he is gone all day and the mom & children (being home schooled) are home all day & night. I suggest to the mom to turn OFF all electric circuit breakers, except the fridge & AC or furnace overnight for three nights in a row. In some cases the husband gets noticeably better sleep and he calls me to set up an appointment for me to assess the home: suddenly this is his idea. This proves that some form of EMF is disturbing people in this house: at least at night. In some cases here in California we have had fires that cause the utility to shut off the electric power for the entire county for 7-10 days: even some children with autism, PANDAS and bedwetting revert to being almost normal: until the power (and the smart meter) comes back on. One client had two children with frequent daily seizures and during the utility power shutdown these children were running up and down the street shouting "No More Seizures". NOTE: when there is a power outage even the smart meter is not working and transmitting. Getting rid of the smart meter and reacquiring the analog meter is best.

During the COVID lockdown I had the highest number of requests for a whole house EMF assessment ever: everyone was home all the time and even the husband was feeling it. 2020 & 2021 were my busiest years ever. Call ins and requests for EMF assessments tapered off quickly once the lockdown was ended: people were getting outdoors and away from the house much more often and for longer periods of time than during the lockdown.

One of he most important things my profession does for people is to create a Sleeping Sanctuary if possible: here are two links with five steps you can do today before bedtime: if you desire better sleep. https://windheimemfsolutions.com/sleep-sanctuary/ also https://buildingbiologyinstitute.org/free-fact-sheets/healthy-sleeping-sanctuary/ Sincerely Eric WIndheim BBEC, EMRS, RFSO

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Thank you, Eric, for all that great information.

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Aug 18Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

Fascinating! I had a similar respite when we had a powercut last year.

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I've had the same experience. For a few years now, I've kept the breaker off to my bedroom. It's not the same as having a completely quiet house, but it much quieter than sleeping in a room with the electricity (often dirty) running through the walls and floors).

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Aug 13Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

I use to use Organite for EMF exposure until it was debunked.

I’m now using ‘Smart Dots’ that has some research behind it.

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Thank you Nick, for bringing up this point. Because of time, I wasn’t able to include Eric’s comments on devices aimed to lower EMF exposure. He noted the devices don’t lower exposure or potential damaging effects, though some people may feel better while using them. I’m curious what your experience has been and if you notice feeling different. I haven’t looked at the research, but wonder if heart rate, blood pressure and other “biomarkers” might actually change - since one of the effects of EMF is on the autonomic nervous system. Measuring other changes, such as oxidative stress, inflammation, cortisol levels, melatonin, etc. would be possible though obviously more complicated. Thanks again.

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Aug 16Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

Yeah, any possible feelings of benefit might just be placebo! I can’t comment on any perceived benefits tbh. We need dedicated research and resources though , easily accessible, to combat EMF and detox from the nanotech in our blood.

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So glad to hear you talk about dirty electricity! Many of our clients and readers think that non-wireless smart meters are safer, when in fact they can make our home into a cell tower with the amount of electric fields and radiofrequency radiation generated along the electrical wiring.

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Thank you, Roman. There's so much to know and learn! I find sharing EMF info. especially challenging. As you know, it's such a complex and deep topic - a great advantage to the utility, cell phone and other wireless industries.

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I hear you Courtney. How long ago did you become aware of the dangers of EMF?

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About 4-5 years ago. We moved into a new home in Florida, not realizing it was a "smart house" and my daughter and I developed EHS - likely a problem before then, but that it was took things to a much higher level. What about you, Roman?

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Aug 17Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

What’s EHS? I live in a smart house and I’ve developed many issues since living here I keep telling my husband it’s the EMF but I think he thinks I’m crazy cause it doesn’t affect him

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Hi Deb. EHS is Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome. Here is a podcast I did on the topic that may be helpful. Though everyone is likely impacted at some level (many not realizing it), there are definitely some of us who are impacted more , which I discuss in the podcast -


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Aug 19Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

Thank u! It was very informative. Now if I could just get my husband to shut off the electricity to our bedroom at night maybe I could sleep! I’m goin to have him listen to this!

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Smart meters can pulse your electricity and create what it's called dirty electricity that comes out of your outlets as electromagnetic fields

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Thank you for emphasizing that. Though we discussed DE, I was more focused on the radio frequencies.

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Smart meters are sneaky they gather all the information from all your appliances like when you use them how much you use them all the way down to your charging of your phone or your little toys and then that information is sold to third parties they're little spy gadgets smart secret military appliance residential technology

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Aug 14Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

Correct: each and every device you own & use has its own forensic electric fingerprint. Smart meters can measure: inrush current, peak load, time of use, amp draw. sadly, most modern appliances have a built in ZigBee transmitter that send an RF transmission to the smart meter for even finer resolution of your electric usage such as: opening of the door to your refrigerator, turning your electric stove on, cycle and runtime of your HVAC system.

So-called "smart appliances" are really tatal-tail devices.

It can also show when you are not at home which could be very helpful if you are a burglar or thief.

Basically the smart meter is an occupancy & activity recorder of everything you do in your house that uses electricity.

I read electric industry journals and they state: "the customer data collected by the smart meters may be more valuable than the electricity measured and sold".

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Yes, that's another important point. Eric did bring up this issue, which I didn’t include due to time constraints.

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Aug 13Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

Hello Nick & Courtney, Yes. I get questions about these "Subtle Energy Devices and harmonizers frequently. I am linking the official Building Biology Institute position paper on these devices. https://buildingbiologyinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/SEDs_v1.12.pdf

Eric Windheim BA, EMRS, BBEC, RFSO

Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist

Certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant

Radio Frequency Safety Officer

Lab Leader for the Building Biology Institute (BBI)

Serving Greater Sacramento Region, Northern California, Bay Area, Central Valley & Reno


Office: 916-395-7336

Sacramento CA

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Thank you, Eric, for sharing this.

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Aug 12Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

Thank you Courtney for addressing the synthetic EMF exposure issue!

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You're welcome, Keith! Thank you for commenting.

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Aug 16Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

When "smart" meters were first rolled out, I lived in an apartment complex in the eastern part of the Denver metro area. When I had moved in, they told me the place was quiet, and I was expected to do my part to keep it that way. After smart meters were installed, some residents started waking up in the middle of the night, waking dogs, who barked mercilessly. Then other residents began fighting and screaming in the middle of the night. The place became a hellhole.

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Ester. I'm sorry I didn't see your comment sooner. You make an important point. I've similarly wondered about what seems to be increased agitation on airplanes and a potential link to higher EMF from cell phones. I hope you have found a quieter place. Thank you for commenting.

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Sep 1Liked by Courtney Snyder MD

Oh, yes--in Feb 2020, I moved 1200 miles away to a nice rural area. In the last few days there have been splashy articles on gangs moving in to apartments in Aurora CO--probably including the very block where I lived.

It is wonderful to see an M.D. taking an interest in what novel energies might be doing to such things as electron transport chains or other aspects of metabolism, affecting our health, our minds, our emotions. There are EMF courses designed for you.

The first major city to roll out 5G was Wuhan, China. I have wondered whether "COVID" might have been a cover-up for 5G.

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Sounds like a wise move, Esther. My interest and education into EMF came out of my own experience with EHS (and have since been treating others with this). Like you, I live in a rural area.

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Hello Nick & Courtney, Yes. I get questions about these "Subtle Energy Devices and harmonizers frequently. I am linking the official Building Biology Institute position paper on these devices. https://buildingbiologyinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/SEDs_v1.12.pdf

Eric Windheim BA, EMRS, BBEC, RFSO

Certified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist

Certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant

Radio Frequency Safety Officer

Lab Leader for the Building Biology Institute (BBI)

Serving Greater Sacramento Region, Northern California, Bay Area, Central Valley & Reno


Office: 916-395-7336

Sacramento CA

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All I'm gonna say Fran your last three articles I am unable to re stack ( I wonder why ) 😞

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