The amazing pieces of information regarding deficiencies and correlating infections or skin/brain/gut issues you mention are seriously mind blowing. It is upsetting that traditional MDs let us just swing in the wind going through life without answers. You are an absolute blessing and I thank you very, very much for your caring efforts for the world. I know these things should not be felt as secret information, yet we do not ever hear them from regular doctors. It's extremely sad. Dots do connect very easily with entire households including pets.
Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you found this helpful. But for my own health struggles, I may not have looked beyond what I learned in my medical training. The research is there, but not making its way into medical education. Some say the lag time is 20 years. Thank you, for commenting.
Yes. Great question - normally I list brain symptoms in each newsletter, but didn’t this time (thank you) I’m referring to anything from depression, anxiety, panic, OCD, mood swings, brain fog, fatigue, hyperactivity, psychosis….really all psychiatric conditions (including autism spectrum and dementia). Thank you again.
The amazing pieces of information regarding deficiencies and correlating infections or skin/brain/gut issues you mention are seriously mind blowing. It is upsetting that traditional MDs let us just swing in the wind going through life without answers. You are an absolute blessing and I thank you very, very much for your caring efforts for the world. I know these things should not be felt as secret information, yet we do not ever hear them from regular doctors. It's extremely sad. Dots do connect very easily with entire households including pets.
Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you found this helpful. But for my own health struggles, I may not have looked beyond what I learned in my medical training. The research is there, but not making its way into medical education. Some say the lag time is 20 years. Thank you, for commenting.
What do you mean brain symptoms?
Yes. Great question - normally I list brain symptoms in each newsletter, but didn’t this time (thank you) I’m referring to anything from depression, anxiety, panic, OCD, mood swings, brain fog, fatigue, hyperactivity, psychosis….really all psychiatric conditions (including autism spectrum and dementia). Thank you again.
Do you mean anxiety? Depression ect