Very helpful information, Dr. Courtney, thank you, once again. Another skin condition that may be related to low zinc is perioral dermatitis. My PCP treated me with antibiotics and various topicals to no avail. I started taking high-dose zinc due to elevated copper levels (under the care of a Walsh-certified Naturopath), and the perioral dermatitis vanished and hasn’t returned…it’s been about ten years now. When we consider which foods are particularly good sources of zinc (oysters and turkey), it’s easy to see why we can have symptoms of zinc deficiency. Thanks again for sharing your expertise!

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You’re welcome. Thank you, Jean, for sharing your experience with this. Yours is a great example. There is research showing that zinc along with other nutrients are being depleted in the soil. Animal protein (I would add beef and chicken) are a good source, but for many, still not enough to reach optimal levels. One of the challenges, when it comes to shellfish, iis that it is also high in copper. Thank you again for commenting. Glad you found your answers.

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